#Brainy object cringe
heyitsyourdadlol · 2 years
 Sense I don’t know how to make a carrd this
Brainy (Object Cringe)
Liam Charlotte Airy (HFJONE)
Skechpad Tophat Spraypaint (The Nightly Manor)
Suitcase Balloon Lightbulb TBD (II)
Flower Balloony Bubble X Nine Six Pie Blackhole (BFB)
Zam (TWR)
Bone Oodle (AIB)
Cube Cubic (TPC)
Nansensu (CFMOT)
People who don’t know people change
Clankybot777 SUPPORTERS
Nickel fictokins who will be rude to me because I’m a suitcase fictokin
Basic DNI criteria
Thin ice
DSMP fans
;-; emoticon users
Doubles (if ok with me also being a double)
Use emoticons (UwU and OwO are perfectly fine with me)
Okay that I smoke zaza
@kingatriox ‘s creator
Kay bai
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Idk if you’ll talk about object cringe but if you do can you do an analysis on Brainy and where all of his self loathing came from? The last episode hurt me a lot and I’d really like to see you talk about it
Hi! I would be Happy to do an analysis on Object Cringe. I’ve been meaning to make one for a while now, especially since there’s so much to talk about with the new episode.
Brainy’s Self Loathing
So Episode 3 of OC3 was our first really big example that Brainy doesn’t think very highly of himself. But there was one thing that really seemed familiar about the way Brainy addresses his own self hatred.
See, when Brainy begins to make it clear to Planky just how badly he feels about himself, he states that everyone’s hatred towards him is justified because he did something bad in the finale (Which was, of course, turning everyone into inanimate objects)
Brainy goes onto say that no one should be defending him because he’s responsible for his own actions, and therefore worthy of the hatred that he’s gotten.
And while he’s kept a lot of this guilt to himself so far, this isn’t the first time he’s brought it up.
At the very end of episode 20 of object cringe season 1, Brainy says to Planky that everyone still hates him, but “at least they hate me for a good reason”. Which implies that he believed almost immediately after the incident that he deserved this hatred. He believed that they had a good reason to hate him, and clearly he still holds this belief.
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At the time, Planky dismissively says “I guess”, as he’s unable to argue. And the same thing happens again in OC3 3. Planky clearly doesn’t blame Brainy for what he did, saying it was “only natural” after all the hate he got, but he cannot deny that it was a horrible act, and therefore he doesn’t know how to properly give Brainy the support that he needs.
When Planky asks if Brainy Wants people to hate him, he says no. But he still believes that the hatred was deserved. What he wants is to be Different. But it’s clear he doesn’t believe that he can be. He says “maybe someone will be kind enough to lie to me, and tell me that I am [different]”. Brainy wants someone to tell him that he isn’t the way that everyone sees him, but even if they did, he believes it would be a lie. Once again showing that Brainy feels the way people see him is justified.
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Now this is where Chocolate Bar steps in, and we are later given a calmer, more controlled explanation of how Brainy feels, as he’s no longer in such a panicked state.
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Despite the fact that we’ve established Brainy has been holding onto these feelings for quite some time, it’s clear that not everything is the same. Brainy goes onto say that since most people think he sucks, then that’s probably the truth. And that he sort of feels the way that others seem him. This, coupled with the fact that he tells Planky that he really is a sore loser, shows that some sort of change has occurred between this episode, and the finale of season 1.
In the season 1 finale, Brainy speaks up about how unfair his treatment is. He says that his one small mistake caused so much hatred, and that it was unfair. But he now no longer seems to believe this. He tells Planky that he *is* a sore loser despite the fact that it’s clear he didn’t always believe this. As I’ve already stated, the start of this change seems to be the end of the finale, when he believes that everyone finally has a real reason to hate him. Over time it seems that has grown into something bigger. Brainy, as the title of OC3 episode 3 seems to suggest, has internalized all of the peer abuse that he’s faced. As he says to chocolate bar, he cannot see himself as anything other than what he’s been told his whole life.
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When Chocolate Bar tells Brainy that he needs to do what will make him happy, he begins to cry, saying “I’m not gonna be happy”. At this point Brainy believes there’s no way for him to feel good. And that makes a lot of sense. Every attempt that Brainy has made to make things better has been met with failure.
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When he befriended Planky, Planky instantly got hurt because of him. When he won Object Cringe, he was immediately attacked. When he stood up for himself, it made everyone hate him far more and caused all the self loathing issues that he has now. Every attempt at a better life has failed, so it makes sense that he’s given up on the idea of getting better entirely.
There are a couple things to suggest things may start to get better for Brainy. When Brainy starts to cry at the end of the episode, Chocolate Bar moves to comfort him, just as Planky has done in the past. It seems that both Chocolate Bar and Planky struggled a bit to be there for Brainy this episode, but they each made up for what the other lacked. Chocolate Bar clearly struggled to comfort Brainy in the last scene. He second guessed himself and eventually settled on an awkward, half embrace, unlike Planky who was much quicker to physically comfort Brainy in episode 20.
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Planky couldn’t comfort Brainy verbally in the way he needed, but Chocolate Bar was able to get him to talk in a way that seemed much more effective.
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My hope is that the two of them will be able to help Brainy through his issues together. Along with that, the other characters seem to be more aware of what they’ve done to Brainy. As Flaggy was called out for her harassment, and Note’s behavior towards Brainy has been suspiciously kind lately.
I’m very excited to see where Brainy’s development goes from this point onward. Thank you so much for asking me to talk about it!
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tumblingclockwork · 3 years
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I think I’m so funny.
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badly-drawn-objects · 2 years
can you draw brainy and chocolate bar from object cringe
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revolvinghearts · 3 years
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Quick Brainy, for the soul :,,)
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((og pic))
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fatherlyfrog · 3 years
hey question whats astrangeghost’s favoureite characyer. askinf for no particular reason /silly - oj
we narrowed it down andthe results are wall-e from wall-e and brainy from object cringe
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astrangeghost · 3 years
who is the object character you love THE MOST
OHHH THATS A HARD ONE..... I really like Backpack(hfjone) and Graffiti(oso) OH AND BRAINY(object cringe) mmmm I think I'll have to go with Brainy <:,) (ALSO THEYRE A NUMBER BUT NINE(bfb) MY BELOVED)
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slaapkat · 4 years
Green Lantern + ISA - MR. BIG - "When Larry said his biggest enemy was Green Lantern, they didn't think he meant literally..." [Where rest of the ISA are floored at how GIGANTIC he is irl. Except Brainwave. He is jelly he ain't the tallest no more]
(set very early ISA)
We’re going to die, aren’t we?
It’s hard not to react at the thought that gets pushed into his head, courtesy of Henry. Impossibly, Jordan manages to keep a straight face throughout it all, even as Larry continues excitedly chattering away as though this were the first time he’s had a captive audience in ages. Though, given Larry’s entire demeanor, maybe just the first time it’s been a willing one. 
They’ve all gathered in Larry’s apartment, for once. The drive from New York City to Gotham had been nothing short of arduous, with Henry’s insistence on the radio being permanently set to NPR, and the frankly indecipherable directions Larry had sent them to navigate the labyrinthian streets of inner-city Gotham.  
All for a heist Larry had promised was going to be well worth it. The city was full of easy marks, he said. Barely anyone around to stop you, he said. Half the time the cops will even help, he said. 
Henry still wasn’t buying it, sat on the sidelines on the edge of a very beat-up couch, arms crossed with a deepening frown, openly projecting his disapproval at having been talked into this every chance he got. Larry, for his part, is completely oblivious, grinning brightly as he eagerly shows off his proudly curated wall of weapons-- by all accounts just a fancy collection of sports equipment. The key difference, however, being Larry’s showing off amounting to pointing out every piece and explaining in graphic detail exactly how he got kicked out of that particular sport for killing or otherwise maiming someone without sparing a single gorey thing. 
Jordan, sure to Henry’s extreme displeasure, is unfortunately fascinated with it all, eyes wide and bright and listening intently, utterly absorbed. He remembers researching Sportsmaster for weeks before finally seeking him out, carefully nurturing the idea of the new ISA all the while in the hopes that he’d finally get a bite. It must mean something that Larry had invited them all the way back to his home turf to share on a score, surly.
Because he’s going to kill us.
It’s now Jordan finally frowns, turning to face Henry with a stern, “He’s not.”
“Hah?” Larry’s looking at him, confused, brows furrowed and head tilted, grin still plastered on but for a second seeming vaguely threatening instead of manically excited.
Jordan startles, scrambling for a distraction and pointing at the first thing he sees, a long-handled wooden mallet with a narrow-tipped head still hanging on the wall. “I-- I mean, what’s that?”
It’s a sufficient enough distraction, apparently. Larry’s eyes light up in an instant when he sees, grinning brightly as he pulls the object down and looks down at it with a dreamy sigh. 
“My polo mallet,” he declares proudly. “I’ll be taking this baby with me, tonight.” 
“That?” Henry scoffs, finally taking a stand and gesturing disbelievingly at the mallet. “What use could that possibly be to us? And since when do you play polo?”
“Not since I caved a man’s head in on the field with this ol’ beauty here,” Larry states much too casually, his tone taking on an oddly wistful note as he strokes the head of it. If there’s a threat carried in there, it’s buried deep enough not to be obvious, though the suspicious stains that Jordan notices in the wood of the mallet certainly make Larry’s point well enough known. Henry’s eyes narrow, and Jordan feels a pressure on his temples usually indicative of Henry flexing his powers without strict care of a specific target, but whatever Henry sees is apparent enough not to make him press further. His lips press into a thin line and he relinquishes the point, however reluctantly. Jordan inserts himself more obviously in between the two of them and attempts an encouraging smile.
“Henry, it’s made of wood,” Jordan points out helpfully, like it’s supposed to explain everything-- because, well, it is. It evidently doesn’t. Henry’s frown only deepens and Jordan finds himself struggling for an explanation that didn’t sound completely ridiculous, all the while Larry whistles uncaringly and picks various other wooden implements off the wall in preparation for that night. “Because-- Because. Gotham has a superhero who is… weak to wood.”
Jordan sighs and cringes as soon as he says it, cringing again when Larry chirps “It’s true!” over his shoulder. It does not help his case in the slightest. Henry sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, as though staving off a fast-rising headache. “Okay,” he says. “Okay. Fine. Do we even have a plan to deal with him if he shows up?”
“Don’t get your snuggie in a twist, Brainy,” Larry says brightly, laughing as he hefts a cricket bat of all things onto his shoulder and wrangles Jordan in close with an arm thrown around his. “Of course we have a plan! Classic smash and grab! We get in and get out before the Big Guy ever knows what’s up!” 
Wrong answer, apparently, as evidenced by Henry running a hand down his face in exasperation and groaning, with an added little oh, so we are going to die projected mentally for Jordan’s benefit. Jordan smiles rather terribly. Larry seems to take it all as signs of encouragement. 
“Alright then, bud, alright!” Larry lets out with a whoop, and plants a sloppy wet kiss on Jordan’s cheek with an audible smack; subsequently, the temperature of the room drops ten degrees in an instant. Nobody seems to notice. “It’s game time, baby!”
Heists in Gotham apparently don’t amount to much. Larry’s big score turns out to be a slightly upscale jewelry store right on the edge of the Diamond District. Henry’s car is stashed in a nearby alleyway in case of a quick getaway after several earnest promises (by Jordan) that it won’t get stolen and easy assurances (by Larry) that the job will be quick enough that they’ll be back before that even happens. 
“Is it always this easy in Gotham?” Jordan asks, having dutifully frozen solid all the alarms and cameras to allow for Larry to go to town on the window with his bat and an excited hyena-like cackle; Henry stands watch, having been designated as the lookout due to his adamant refusal to partake in any actual smashing until it came time for the grabbing, though Jordan can sense him rolling his eyes even while turned away. 
“Sure is!” Larry replies, vaulting through the destroyed window and wasting no time in driving his fist through the nearest glass display case and grabbing a fistful of jeweled necklaces, stuffing them in his pack and immediately moving on to the next one. “Do you know how many other places are being robbed at this exact moment? They can’t catch all of us!”
Jordan makes a face, but nonetheless climbs in and joins Larry in gathering as many priceless jewels as he could get his hands on; Henry lingers just outside, watching them with shrewd disapproval until his face screws up in confusion, nose wrinkling. 
“Is something… burning?”
That’s enough to give Jordan pause, halfway through driving an ice spike into a safe. The entire store had been dusted with a coating of frost, logically nothing should be getting hot enough to even make a spark. Sure enough, he smells it too-- that unmistakable scent of something on fire, intermixed with the distinct smell of ozone. That couldn’t be right--
Jordan has just enough time to hear Larry’s little ruh-oh before the wall to the side of them suddenly erupts in stunningly bright, green flames. Henry swears aloud, and Jordan feels inclined to join him when the flames unfurl to reveal an outright giant of a man, eyes alight in burning fury and nearly outright snarling at the lot of them. Green Lantern, Jordan knows immediately, remembers him from his first meeting with Larry, but seeing someone in flight is leagues different from seeing it right in front of you, a brick wall of a man emerging like a demon from Hell. Jordan feels himself sweating, actually sweating-- or was he melting? All he knows is that this man is terrifyingly huge, and Larry seemed the only one utterly unconcerned by it. 
“Greenie!” Larry greets enthusiastically, arms spread wide as though expecting a hug, and though his mask hides his face Jordan can hear his exuberant and manic grin loud and clear though his voice. “Where ya been, huh? How’s it going?”
“I’LL SEE YOU IN HELL!” comes the roared reply, a shot of flaming green energy launched in his direction, swiftly deflected with a swing of Larry’s bat and an excited laugh.
“Aww, I missed you too!”
Jordan finds himself slowly backing away as Larry barks out another laugh and launches himself, bat swinging, at Green Lantern with seemingly little care to himself or others, and even less care to just how much Green Lantern seems to dwarf all of them combined. 
“That’s Green Lantern?” Henry hisses through clenched teeth when Jordan returns to his side. “That’s Green Lantern, and we let Larry bring a polo mallet and a baseball bat?”
“He’s weak to wood!”
A plume of emerald flame explodes out the store window, ejecting an airborne Larry along with it, signed Sportsmaster mask and all. He skids and rolls along the street until he comes to a stop and jumps up, wild-eyed.
“Start the car!” He shouts, then unsheathes the mallet and dives right back in without hesitation. Another roar is heard and the foundation quakes faintly beneath their feet. Jordan wilts just slightly. Henry turns with an annoyed hmph and Jordan finds himself trailing after, not quite trusting his powers in the face of the broiling heat inside.
“That’s Green Lantern,” Henry repeats, seemingly to himself, scoffing. “Good lord. Even his presence gives me a headache. And he’s taller than me. Remind me never to set foot in Gotham again.”
Jordan, despite everything, finds himself agreeing.
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writerlyhabits · 5 years
7 and 63 for the Tenth Doctor please!
I know this took me forever, but can I just say that I actually had a lot of fun with this?? Holy cow, most of my time was spent thinking of how to do it, but once I had an idea I took off!! (thanks to my roomate, she kept reminding me to write for you guys😅) Anyway, a bit of fluff, bit of alien invasion, and some sweet moments with the Doctor. Thanks anon!!!♥️♥️
7.“Is that blood?” “No?” “That’s not a question you’re supposed to answer with another question.”
63.“Only a fool would fall in love with someone as deadly as me.”
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“The Doctor in an antique shop … you’re finally where you belong,” you giggled playfully.
“Oi, watch it!” You continued to giggle at him, earning a half smile, half pout from the tall man as he continued examining the objects on display. Donna had insisted on dropping by at home for a bit so she could see her Grand-dad and catch him up on their latest adventures. And of course, when they walked through town and happened upon an antique shop, who wouldn’t want to drag a group of time-travelers in there?
“It’s so strange to see these all old and rusted now,” you sighed as you picked up an old camera. “Remember the one we got in 1903?” The Doctor beamed at you.
“Oh, how could I forget!” He came up very close behind you to look over your shoulder at the device in your hands. “We took some lovely photos. I know for a fact I took a nice one of you in that short blue skirt, that sure turned heads. You were being splashed by a wave at that little beach we found,” he grinned down at you.
“That’s because you failed to tell me it was there! I was busy entertaining you, looking at that damn camera, I didn’t even see it coming!”
“Maybe cause I did that on purpose … You’re cute when you’re surprised.” You turned away to examine the camera because there was definitely a pink haze across your cheeks, and you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing it. “Well, that and the fact that I had to get back at you for throwing me under the bus at lunch.” You burst into laughter, the Doctor joining you.
“Alright you two, stop your flirtin’ let’s get a move on,” Donna smiled, earning a chuckle from Wilfred, as she beckoned for the two of you to follow her out the door of the little shop. Glancing at each other, you set the camera down and did as you were told.
Walking down the street beside the Doctor, the other two distracted in their own conversation, he nudged you with his shoulder. “You’re awfully quiet, you alright?”
“Perfect actually, I like having a relaxing afternoon, I don’t get much of those following you around the universe,” you mused.
“I wouldn’t speak too soon, you might just jinx that relaxing afternoon of yours.” Just then as you walked past a little alley, you heard a scream. Nobody else seemed to notice it, and the Doctor was quick on his feet, lurching into action. As Donna and Wilfred had disappeared into another shop, the two of you ran to investigate, happening upon a pool of deep red—almost purple—liquid.
“Is … is that blood?” you asked him as he approached it.
“No?” he answered hesitantly.
“That’s not a question you’re supposed to answer with another question.”
“Well it could be many things,” the Doctor explained, pulling out his brainy specs and his sonic screwdriver. You waited anxiously as he examined the substance, hoping that he wouldn’t try and lick it, as he was apparently prone to do. He stood back up, seeming to have come to a conclusion, so you prompted him again.
“So mister perceptive, is it blood?” He looked at you with the faintest trace of a smile.
“Nah love, only the usual,” the alien told you, trying his very best to keep his excited grin contained.
“The usual? Oh, do explain Doctor.”
“Oh you know, something alien, a little ominous … probably dangerous,” he smirked at you, a look that you thought made him look very handsome. Quite the wrong time to be having those kinds of thoughts though, isn’t it?
“Well, that can only add up to an adventure.”
“I told you that you jinxed your relaxing afternoon.”
“We both know this is going to be more fun,” you smiled. The Doctor unashamedly allowed himself to grin from ear to ear.
“Oh we were made for each other,” he claimed excitedly as he, rather abruptly, planted a kiss on your cheek. Before you had any time to question his affection let alone process it, he had grabbed your hand and took off, you doing your best to keep up with his long legs.
Clue after clue, strange event after another, you were following close behind the Doctor as he approached an old building you believed would lead you to the culprit. Sure enough, the two of you happened upon a group of pig-looking aliens, the Doctor releasing your hand only to put his in the air in response to the many weapons that were being pointed at you.
There was talk of the Shadow Proclamation, which you still didn’t quite understand, and spreading the weird alien goo all over Cardiff, but the creatures just roared with laughter. You noticed out of the corner of your eye that one was taking aim at the Doctor and you panicked. “No you don’t,” you muttered, reaching down beside you to throw a crystal looking thing in its direction. You managed to knock the blaster out of its hand, the Doctor making an impressed noise that was just barely audible. However, in a flash one of them grabbed you, turning you to face the Doctor and held yet another blaster to your head.
“Okay, so that was a bad idea,” you murmured sheepishly, “It was a good shot though, didn’t expect that.” The Doctor gave you a look telling you to be quiet, and he continued to negotiate.
“Alright look, let her go, and we can sort this out like civilized adults, right?” The one who seemed to be in charge of the lot gave another chuckle.
“No, I’ll tell you exactly how this is going to go; you’re going to hand over what you’ve taken from us, or we’ll blow her brains out. Now you wouldn’t risk the love of your life now would you?” The Doctors expression became somewhat intimidating, but you could see a sad look in his eyes.
“Only a fool would fall in love with someone as deadly as me.”
“We don’t have to go calling names, that’s not nice,” you murmured half-heartedly as the blaster was pressed more firmly against your head. You realized what you said, cringing, hoping desperately that he hadn’t heard you.
His expression changed as fast as a flash of lightning, his eyes growing wide as he turned his attention back to you. Well … he definitely heard you.
“Right, well … We’re going to talk about this later,” he stated firmly, though looking quite flustered. You looked away sheepishly and let him continue with the pig-people. “Look, I’m only going to give you one more chance, that’s all you get; let her go and leave this planet alone, or suffer your own consequences.”
There was a moment of silence, the head pig tapping his … fingers … against the desk he hid behind, contemplating.
“And is your little pet worried about your intentions?”
“Actually, quite the contrary,” you voiced. “I’m doing fine, just a bit worried about your fate because let me tell you, when the Doctor offers you a second chance you should take it, otherwise ��� well, let’s just say the alternative isn’t exactly a treat.” The pigman only laughed again. Seriously, these guys had to be delusional, nothing was getting through their thick pig skulls.
“Then why don’t we find out what exactly the Doctor has in store for us.” With that, he flipped open a glass case and pushed down on the trigger to release his master plan. You were harshly shoved back towards the Doctor, who caught you in his arms.
“Sorry about that, I didn’t exactly think their master plan could just be activated by pushing a button,” you explained, watching what was unfolding in front of you. The leader went to push another button, the Doctor murmuring an “I wouldn’t do that” to no avail, causing some sort of electrical force field to short-circuit and hold all the pig men where they were. The Doctor stood to his full height and looked at them all.
“See, the thing about this little device I’ve taken from you is not that it was gonna stop you,” he started, pulling a tangled ball of wires out of his pocket, and the head pig’s eyes got wide. “All I’ve done is mess with your controls. Which means for us, my dear,” he looked down at you and grabbed your hand, “is that we should run!”
The aliens yelled as you left them behind you, stuck by their own doing. You and the Doctor weaved in and out of the halls, bursting through the doors of the building, and sprinted out to the field in front of you. The building exploded, the blast sending you and the Doctor into the grass.
You picked your head up and looked behind you, seeing nothing but rubble, the Doctor standing up and offering you a hand. Taking it, you smiled at him and asked: “So let me guess, your bunch of wires messed up their machine so much that instead of blowing up London, it was like a self-destruct?”
“What did you mean when you said I shouldn’t call names?” You hadn’t been expecting that question. Usually, it annoyed you when he ignored your questions, but now that it was the other way around you had figured that maybe he would have at least waited a bit.
“I’m not gonna get an answer to my question am I?” you tried.
“No, because you already know the answer; now what did you mean?” he snapped. Not angrily, more confused if anything, but it still wasn’t a conversation you’d planned on having.
“Oh use your head Doctor, you know what you said, there’s only one thing I could’ve meant by that.” You started to walk away from him, wanting more than anything for Wilfred and Donna to show up and save you. He grabbed your wrist before you got too far and pulled you back towards him. He stood very close, looking at you with so much emotion you didn’t even know how to gauge a response. Luckily, you didn’t have to.
Before you could even think of something to say he had crashed his lips into yours, which told you exactly how he felt, and that was an emotion you knew how to respond to. He moved his hands to hold your waist gently, and your body reacted immediately, grabbing his tie and pulling him down closer to you. His mouth moved this way and that, kissing you from a handful of different angles as you draped your arms behind his neck and he held you close.
When the call for air became incessant, he rested his forehead against yours, never relinquishing his hold on you. When the both of you opened your eyes to look at each other, you were reduced to nothing but giggles.
“Somehow all of this just makes sense,” you murmured contentedly.
“Mm? And why’s that?”
“You’ve always got aliens and explosions in your wake. I don’t know, it’s just very … you.” He was grinning from ear to ear, the soft look in his eyes being replaced very quickly by his usual, playful, eager one.
“Speaking of aliens and explosions, as sweet as this is,” he paused, leaning in to steal another kiss from you, “we should probably go find Donna and tell her what’s happened, make sure she’s alright.” You moved to do just that, but the Doctor kept you close for one more kiss. Satisfied for the time being, he released you, his hand falling into yours, and the two of you made your way back onto the street where you had left the rest of your party. Donna, of course, had missed everything. Her and Wilfred had been in and out of shops and had been testing out noise-canceling headphones when the explosion had gone off.
“And the both of you didn’t even realize we were gone?” you asked, not knowing whether to be amused or offended. Donna looked at her grand-dad guiltily, following his gaze when he nodded toward you and the Doctor. Seeing a hand around your waist for the first time since your little reunion, she beamed.
“Well, I’ve gotta be completely honest with you, after seeing the two of ya in the antique store we wanted to see if, maybe if we left you alone, that something’ might happen,” Wilfred explained, nodding towards the hand on your waist. As if realizing his own actions the Doctor was quick to retract his hand, a blush coming to his cheeks. It was kind of cute if you were honest, you’d never seen the Doctor blush.
“And judgin’ by lover-boy here, I’d say we were right!” Donna laughed, giving her grand-dad a very proud high-five. The tall man beside you rolled his eyes.
“Okay, if the two of you are done then, I’m headed back to the TARDIS.” He turned on his heel and walked out of the shop. He grinned to himself when he heard the door open again, and saw you appear out of the corner of his eye.
“I can’t believe them,” you sighed, finding your spot by his side again. “From Donna I expected, but Wilfred?” The Doctor giggled.
“He’s certainly got a few tricks up his sleeve, always a surprise when he’s around.” The two of you laughed, and the Doctor put an arm around your shoulder as he made his way back to his blue box, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
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villlaneve · 6 years
This show is giving me a stomach ache. That dialogue is so cringe worthy. Ships aside, just from a writers viewpoint, it’s not even objectively good.
Speaking of the writing. The legion members call brainic 5 "Brainy" aisodfhioashdiof
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Ok so I really don’t see why people think Hot and Good from object cringe are the same person could you explain the theory?
Alright so I’ve been putting off answering this ask because this theory has been one that I think a lot of people have been dreading because of the assumption that if Good is Hot, then Bad must be Cold. Which of course leads to a lot of issues with the relationships of the two pairs. But at this point I can confidently say that I really don’t think this is the case. So let’s get into it.
Good is Hot: An Object Cringe Theory
Now first I’m going to go into detail on why I think Hot is Good, but I will then follow up with why I do not believe Cold is Bad. I want to make that clear now so that there is no discomfort while reading theory.
Alright so let’s start by addressing the biggest point of this theory: Hot’s rant to Note.
In the latest episode of OC3, Episode 3: Internalized. Hot says this:
“I certainly don’t wanna be here. I don’t wanna be in this body. With this voice. I wish I could be my regular self but I shut up and deal with it”
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Immediately it’s obvious that Hot was not always Hot. He was someone else. Someone with a different body and a different voice.
The Only goodsonas that we know of in this universe that Could be in a different body are Good and Bad, as they essentially killed themselves to get away from Brainy
Along with that, the words that we hear when they disappear seem to very clearly indicate that they will be brought back in some way
Those words being: “my time in the latest lifetime has come to an end. I rest in the realm of souls until it is time to be reborn.”
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So we were basically told that at least one of them (note: the words say “I” and not “we”) is going to be reborn. They will come back.
So what we’ve got is someone who obviously used to be someone else, and two characters who previously died and are going to be “reborn”. Seems like a very easy connection to me.
But then there’s the matter of who Hot is. As I previously stated, I believe it’s Good. But why couldn’t it be Bad?
Well- in all fairness it Could be Bad. But let’s look at Hot’s behavior.
Hot is prone to angry outbursts, which is how we know he wasn’t always Hot in the first place. He’s irresponsible with the powers he has, straight up erasing Pipe from existence. And he’s passionate about the competition itself, getting upset when challenges aren’t completed. All traits that he shares with Good, and that he doesn’t share with Bad.
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Now this next part may be a bit of a stretch- but it feels worth mentioning when discussing the idea that Good is Hot, that one of the teams in Object Cringe Again is quite literally named “Good is Hot”
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Could be a reference. Could be a coincidence. Either way it seems important to note.
But clearly it makes the most sense for Good to be Hot. But most people seem to be wary of this theory because of the easy conclusion that if Good is Hot, then Bad must be Cold. Which of course has some gross implications to it. But I really do not think Bad is Cold. So let’s get into why
Believe it or not the thing that ultimately lead me to this conclusion was the parody of All I Want For Christmas Is You, in which Hot and Cold sing the known Christmas song together.
Because in this cute and silly video, Hot makes yet another reference to the fact that he is not who he always was.
Hot says the line “I just want to see my baby” which is a real line of the song, but then follows it up with “and to recognize my face” accompanied with the atmosphere of the video changing drastically before going back to normal.
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This once again relates back to the idea that Hot is someone else, most likely Good as I’ve previously said.
But what about Cold?
This is the second time that Hot has mentioned he used to be someone else. And he’s clearly very distressed by it. But Cold hasn’t said a word.
In fact Cold seems rather happy where he is, very different to how Bad was. If Hot and Cold were really Good and Bad, why wouldn’t Cold be aware of the situation as well?
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On top of that there’s the relationship between the two of them. I’ve mentioned this a few times already but Hot and Cold are dating, and Good and Bad are brothers. It would be morally wrong for them to be the same people, and on top of that they clearly treat each other very differently.
Hot is aware of his situation. He makes reference to who he used to be. If Cold was Bad, he would not be treating him with kindness. Especially not to the level of a romantic relationship (even putting aside the obvious issue with it)
The clearest comparison we can make is in the Other object cringe cover of All I Want For Christmas Is You. The one between Good and Bad.
Because unlike the Hot and Cold cover, that parody takes a Very different direction. Before the main part of the song even begins, Good changes the song to Two Trucks by Lemon Demon, which upsets Bad.
And while this is just a silly joke, it gives us a clear comparison on the difference in relationship that Good and Bad have as opposed to Hot and Cold. Good doesn’t like Bad. He pulls jokes on him. He yells at him when he messes up. But Hot seems to really love Cold. He tells Cold that he loves him. He sings love songs with him. And even though Hot is shown to have the same outbursts that Good had, he’s never once snapped at Cold. As opposed to Good, who often snapped at Bad.
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Right now it’s hard to say exactly what Cold is or where he came from, and it’s unclear how Hot and Cold met, as we aren’t sure what the circumstances behind “rebirth” are in this universe. But I think there is substantial evidence to say that Hot and Good are one in the same, and that Cold is not Bad.
Now the only question left is: if Good is Hot and Bad isn’t Cold, then where is Bad?
I hope this makes sense!
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tumblingclockwork · 3 years
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I had no idea the next episode of OC3 was coming out today but I’m super happy Brainy has friends who stand up for him now.
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tumblingclockwork · 3 years
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Would you let him inside?
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tumblingclockwork · 3 years
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Object Cringe is a good show I promise
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astrangeghost · 3 years
brainy form objecy cringe?? cringe brain?
YEAYEAYEAWOOOOYEAAAAAAA MY BELOVED!!! !!!!!!! Favorite Thing About Them : Okay so Like. For the Sake of Not Spoiling I can't Detail this Much but Like. Him in ALL of Goodbye to A World was just. Fantastic. Also he has a gun TFGYHJK Least Favorite Thing About Them : Early Season One Brainy.. Yeah FGHJBN Favorite Line : "I tried to stay cool about it... I couldn't stay cool about it." CRIES brOTP : Chocolate Bar and Planky!!!! OTP : Um. Okay. Kiwi FTGYHJ JUST HEAR ME OUT <///3 nOTP : Planky(he's aro/ace!) and um Scar Brainy?? But I haven't seen anybody ship them thank god gyhjk Random Headcanon : Coffee gives him WAY to much Energy. That he'll just sit there Physically Vibrating RDFGH Doesn't Drink Coffee Unpopular Opinion : I don't know if theres enough people in the object cringe 'fandom' to have one fghjnk But um! I don't blame the(majority of the) Cast for hating him AFTER Goodbye to a World of course Song I Associate with Them : OH MY GOD I HAVE BEEN WAITING YEARS FOR THIIISSSS YESSSS The Water's Fine by Liana Flores!!! I heard it for the first time after rewatching Object Cringe for the Second time and almost died it fits him so well?? ????? God yguhijok Favorite Picture of Them : Thhiis one!!
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astrangeghost · 3 years
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since you gave me those delicious hcs yesterday. i shall repay the debt by giving you a cringe brain. enjoy my mutual >:)
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